School Aims

School Aims

As a school we aim to ensure that each child:
Develops high self esteem, confidence and a true feeling of self-worth and develops a sense of responsibility.
Is valued for their individual contributions and develops a positive attitude towards everyone in the life of the school and community.
Will be enriched, motivated and challenged by a broad and balanced curriculum and will be valued for all their efforts and achievements.
Is able to respond positively as a learner to all aspects of English, maths, ICT and science and performs at a level of competency in all areas with confidence and enthusiasm.Develops a lively, enquiring mind and life skills so that he/she will have the ability to experiment, investigate, take risks, challenge, discriminate and make informed choices both at school and in the rest of their life.
Develops the skills and attitudes necessary to work both independently and collaboratively.
Will be given equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of school life.
Acquires a set of moral values and attitudes including honesty, respect, sincerity, trust and personal responsibility.
Develops an understanding of citizenship and their role in the community.
Develops an understanding and respect for other races, cultures, gender, people with disabilities, religions and associated points of view.
Appreciates the spiritual nature of life.
We believe our aims provide the basis for the delivery of a dynamic curriculum, the provision of a stimulating and creative learning environment and a foundation which will prepare every child for the changing nature of society.


The management committee and staff at R.K. Hindu Senior Secondary School Gohana is giving a postive contribution in the cultural and ethnic diversity which is found in our school as well as in society as a whole and oppose any form of racism. Our aim is to provide the best possible education according to individual need in a concerned and caring environment.

As partners in the education of our children staff, parents and governors fully appreciate the special responsibility they have to help all children develop values and attitudes which are appropriate for the multi-cultural society in which they live and to participate as members of a community. Our ultimate aim is to ensure equal value and respect to all cultures. We are proud that our children come from diverse backgrounds and are part of the global community.

We do not tolerate racist, homophobic or sexist incidents and will always help children be proactive in implementing our school value for equality.

We investigate, action and record any racist incidents which is reported termly to the Local Authority.